Ella Hudson

A picture of Ella Hudson

Research Interests

  • Biotechnological Applications
  • Protemics
  • Protein Engineering

I obtained my BSc in Biotechnology from Cardiff University, where my studies focused on recombinant protein production and synthetic cell design.

As part of my undergraduate degree I undertook a placement year at the NeuroImmunology, Stress and Endocrinology Laboratory at the University of Ottawa. My research primarily explored the effects of pubertal stressors on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cell proliferation in mice.

I recently completed my MSc in Industrial Biotechnology at the University of York where my thesis investigated the keratinous composition of wool and the keratinases produced by Tineola bisselliella (clothes moths) to break down wool into its monomeric components.

I started my PhD project in September 2020, which is split between the Materials Science and Engineering and the Biomedical Sciences departments. My research will focus on how both the physical structure and protein composition of hair relates to its functional performance.

Personal Interests

Amongst my many interests are travelling, the outdoors, skiing, music and contemporary dance.