Dr Andreas Köppel ORCID iD logo

Biography and previous work

Andreas was born in northern Bavaria, Germany. He graduated in 2013 from his Master studies in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Bayreuth. Afterwards he spent one year as Research Assistant at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Back home in Germany, he started to work as Product Development Engineer at a leading non-woven producing company.

In 2016, Andreas came back to academia to study for his PhD in the Natural Materials Group at the University of Sheffield. His research area is biomimetic silk fibre spinning.

Current work

Discover the secrets behind Bombyx mori silk fibre spinning by understanding the structure forming process in silk fibres to develop biomimetic silk fibre spinning technologies.

Personal interests

Travelling, football, good food, bowling, and cinema


Faded gradient image with a background picture of the abstract graphic for the paper: Progress and Trends in Artificial Silk Spinning: A Systematic Review
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering